
Monday, September 2, 2024

Ann Griffiths*

Ann Griffiths (1776—1805) is a hymnist of rural Wales whose poetic achievement is treasured by those who speak the Welsh language. She grew up in a family who faithfully attended their parish church and, like their neighbours, enjoyed traditional noson lawen evenings of singing with the harp and dancing.

In the mid-1790s, she embraced the spiritual renewal of the Methodist revival that was sweeping through Wales. This is when she began composing her hymns and poems, only a few of which she actually wrote down.

She recited them to her friend Ruth Hughes, who also committed them to memory. After Ann Griffiths died, it was Ruth’s husband, John Hughes, who published them. John was a teacher and preacher who had corresponded extensively with Ann as a spiritual mentor.

In the Dictionary of Welsh Biography, Gomer Morgan Roberts describes her verse as “characterized by a wealth of scriptural allusion, by deep religious and mystical feeling, and by bold metaphors.”

The following poem, translated into English by George Richard Gould Pughe, is from a collection called, The Hymns of Ann Griffiths, of Dolwar Fechan, which was published in 1900. It is available online through Project Gutenberg.

Hymn VI

“But God is faithful” 1 Cor. x, 18.

“Cofia, Arglwydd, dy ddyweddi,”

Lord, remember, we implore Thee,
----And defend from every foe
Thy poor spouse that bends before Thee
----Palpitating as a doe:
Be Thou unto her a Pillar
----To direct her in the night,—
To illuminate and fill her
----With the lustre of Thy Light.

Life is far more strange than fiction,—
----But its immortality
In defiance of affliction
----Magnifies its mystery.
When the winnowing commences,
----Lord, enable us to stand
Purified from past offences
----At the last on Thy Right Hand.

O that, as a cloud ascending
----Upwards to the skies above,
We may rise, and with unending
----Rapture realise Thy Love!
Three in One, The Same as ever,
----God proclaims His Name to be
Alpha and Omega, never
----Failing in fidelity.

*This is the second Kingdom Poets post about Ann Griffiths: first post.

Entry written by D.S. Martin. He is the author of five poetry collections including Angelicus (2021, Cascade) ― a book of poems written from the point-of-view of angels. His books are available through Wipf & Stock.